Just a quick little post to get something off my chest.
I hate liars.
I hate cheaters.
I hate people who are fake.
I can't stand someone who feels the need to cheat, lie and scam to get by. And in the process they are a suck up to those around them and put on a huge front. The front dosen't work with me, I am onto your games.
This is something I have been recently faced with and it is a struggle to look the person in the face. I have never met more of a back stabber. To my knowledge, nothing has been aimed at me directly, just in general but I still can't stand people that fit into this category. And this person's actions are harming others in the process. Hate the feeling that I can't trust someone.
I know people like this are part of life but these games are over the top.
Okay I am off the soapbox.

If you need to talk let me know!