Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, May 31, 2010

A lot of catching up to do!

Hey bloggers!  I have been so out of the blog writing world for a long time!  My goal over the next couple weeks is to update so I have a little scrapbook for myself.  Life just has been so busy.  After I finished school we went to Vegas for about a week for vacation.  Since then life hasn't slowed down much and I really won't have a weekend at home to just relax until the last weekend in June!  GESH!  Everything is planned out!

In case you missed my last post, Jeff and I are expecting our first baby in December!  We are so excited!  I of course want to blog all about that and start doing weekly updates so I can always remember this time.  So far, for the most part, I feel great!  I haven't been too tired or too sick.  I have my days but mainly I am doing good just spend a lot of the day hungry!  I will be 12 weeks on Friday and the time just seems to be flying by!  But I will do a baby update soon to include the finding out, telling our parents and doctor appointments to date.

I will be back soon but right now I have a HUGE basket of clothes looking at me that are in need of folding!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Im so jealous that you feel great at almost 12 weeks!!! Good for you though =) Can't wait for all the updates!!
