So here are some basics-
How I found out:
I had the suspicion that I could possibly be pregnant so I decided to take a pregnancy test one Thursday evening. Well the test showed negative, so I thought. After seeing what I thought was a negative line on the test I put it aside and jumped in the shower. When I got out I went to throw the test away and noticed there was a VERY faint line showing positive. Well I got out the directions and it said any faint line means positive BUT all results should be disregarded 10 minutes after taking the test. Well I wasn't sure if it had been over 10 minutes and my husband called the line a "shadow". Well needless to say I decided if I hadn't started in a few days I would try another one.
We were at the store on Saturday and I decided to pick up a digit test, just in case. Well, I woke up early on Sunday morning (April 11th) because I had to pee. I decided I would go ahead and take a test while I was up. I decided to take a non-digital one since I had one left. Well maybe 30 seconds later I had a positive sign! It was hard to believe. And just to be sure I decided to take a digit test too and it read "Pregnant". So there I had it, I was having a baby!
How I told Jeff:
Well Jeff had no clue I was taking a test and since I took it before 6am on a Sunday he was still asleep. After I took the first test and it showed a positive sign I decided to go get his iPhone and take a picture. I then saved the picture of the positive pregnancy test as his wallpaper so he would see it as soon as he went to look at his phone. I then put his phone back and got back into bed. Well, when I got into bed he kind of woke up. I guess I was excited because I asked him if he could get me his phone so I could play some games because I couldn't sleep. He was not excited about this because he was trying to go back to sleep. Well I guess he decided in order to shut me up he would give me my way and he got up and then tossed the phone at me while he went to the bathroom. He was messing up my plans because he did not look at the phone! So when he got back I told him he had a text message and handed him the phone. Well as soon as he went to unlock it his eyes got big because he say the picture. I can't remember exactly what he said but it was along the lines of "You're pregnant?" And of course I responded by telling him I just took the test. He was excited and we talked a little bit before we went back to sleep a little longer. It was an eventful Sunday morning!
How we told our parents-
My goal was to keep it a secret from most people besides a few close friends and our family until we heard a heartbeat. We decided to take a trip to visit both sets of parents the following weekend. We wanted a creative way to tell our parents we were expecting. We decided to take pictures of our kittens with notes telling the news. The first 2 pictures were just cute recent pictures we had taken. Then we had a few other pictures that told the news:
It was fun to see there reaction. They are all really excited. But the hard part for them is that we asked them to keep our secret for awhile. They ended up keeping it over a month before we gave them the go ahead to tell anyone. They did a good job! We also told several friends too throughout that period and also joined in and kept our secret.
I have been luckly and have not been too sick or too tired. I have had a little of each but overall I can't complain too much! I am so thankful for that. And I am almost through with my first trimester so maybe the little bit of sickness I have will disappear. I have started looking at baby furniture and baby bedding. I think I have picked out the baby furniture I wanted and hopefully we will be making the purchase in a few weeks to give it plenty of time to come in! We have also been talking about baby names. We have seveal names picked out but nothing has been finalized. I will probably share our favorites soon.
Well I will be back soon with some more updates. It I left anything out and you have any questions just ask!

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