Saturday Jeff and I decided that we would replace some doors in our house. We decided to put a solid door to replace the hollow door that leads from the house to the garage. This was Jeff's first experience hanging a door with the frame and he did a great job! We also replaced the bi-fold doors that lead to our laundry area and I painted them white. These little updates look great! Now we just have to paint the new door and replace a few more doors in our downstairs area and it will be complete!
We slept in a little today and the hubby made pancakes for breakfast and then we have been busy doing more around the house. I touched up the doors I painted yesterday and have straightened up around the house and did several loads of laundry. Jeff has worked in the garage cleaning it up and organizing stuff for a yard sale we are having in a couple of weeks. Yay for me finally having energy to do something again!!
We have tried to get a good bit done this weekend because we will be gone two of the next three weekends, however, the one we will be here we have a lot on the schedule. We are slowing checking things off the list that I would like to finish before the baby arrives because I know time will be limited after that.
Speaking of the baby I think I have finalized baby bedding choices for both a boy and girl. This was a hard task for me because I am so indecisive with stuff like that sometimes, but I guess I could still change my mind! But I am pretty happy with my two choices! We also measured the baby's room this weekend trying to layout where all the furniture would go and talked about the things we want to change in the room. I am getting more and more excited each day! I am also growing by the day and starting to look pregnant instead of looking like I just ate one or twenty too many desserts!
I will have a baby post up soon with this weeks and last weeks pictures since I didn't post last week.
Hope everyone enjoys the remaining of their weekend!

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