I figured now that I am over 13 weeks I would do a little weekly (at least try) updates with some stats and pictures so I have it for my records. Since I haven't done one yet I have included pictures from Weeks 11-13! I could really see the difference between weeks 11-12. And warning...I am NOT a very good posed picture person so I am sure all the pictures I will post will be very unflattering!
Week 13 Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 13 weeks and 3 days
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +6 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Regular clothes but some of the pants are starting to get snug. However, I do have one pair of maternity capris that I wear and they are comfy!
Best Moment this week: Monthly doctor's appointment, scheduling our ultrasound where we find out the gender, and having an ultrasound where we saw that our little one was growing!
Gender: Find out July 20th! However, I have had 2 dreams in this pregnancy and both of them were of me having a little boy!
Movement: Too early!
Food Craving: Just food in general
What I miss: Nothing really
Sleep: Get up about 2-3 times a night to pee
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender on July 20th and finalizing our name choices!
Symptoms: Some tiredness but mostly just sick in the evenings! However I feel great in the mornings!
And now for the lovely pictures!
Week 11
And now for the lovely pictures!
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13

How cute is that little baby bump!!!