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Friday, June 11, 2010

New Job!

So back in April I applied for a job that was within my agency.  I thought about it for awhile because I wasn't sure if it was something I wanted and I really liked my current job.  I finally decided that I would just go for it and see what happens.  I figured it would give me some practice on the interview process and interview itself, if I happened to get one.

Applying for this job was kind of stressful.  Instead of a regular resume I had to prepare KSAs (document to show my knowledge, skills and abilities).  There was a list of about five questions that had to be answered that demonstrated my strengths.  I had never done this before and like most others I dreaded doing this.  And at the same time they were due I also found out I was pregnant and had a crazy amount of work due for my grad school classes.  But I still got them completed and turned in.

The weeks went by and I hadn't heard anything, neither had anyone else I knew that had applied.  While I was on vacation I got a call (bright and early because the person scheduling them didn't realize I was on vacation and three hours behind) telling me I had an interview for the following Monday.

I didn't really know how to prepare for my interview so I figured I would just go in and do my best.  So I did.  The interview went okay but it was all situational questions with multiple parts so in the end I was unsure how I really did.  I worried that I missed a part or didn't answer something fully.

Well today I got a phone call from the boss of the position I applied for asking me to meet her in the conference room.  As I walked down to the stairs to the next floor I got nervous because I was sure it was about the job but unsure if it was good or bad news.

Well it was good news!  I got the position!  I was actually shocked because while they hired several people they didn't hire near as many as the rumors said they were and a good amount of people had applied. 

The job will be a HUGE learning experience.  I will train for 6 constant months and on training status for 2 years.  I am glad I have been given the chance to try something different but at the same time I am worried about learning a different job and hoping I like it.  I guess that is the risk we all take when we try anything different.  But I am looking forward to learning a ton from some very intelligent people and working hard to learn and do the best that I can!  So while I will miss what I do now, I see the light at the end of the tunnel and know it will lead to good things!

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