Friday is in sight and oh that makes me SO happy! Not much has been going on here. Just the normal working and attending class. I did have a day off this week and I was pretty productive. I did some cleaning and so many loads of laundry that I lost count. I would love to know how 2 people can dirty so many clothes! I blame it on my husband who seems to dirty three times as many as I do! It is a never ending cycle.
I have many friends that are pregnant right now which is so exciting! I think I am in that stage of life where many of my friends have gotten married and now they are having little ones! I enjoy hearing their stories and can't wait to see their precious little ones! One of my very dear friends is expecting TWINS!! That is just so cool! But all this baby talk makes me excited to have one of my own one day!
My husband is an accountant so he is working a lot right now. While he isn't a public accountant (he works for a privately owned business) this is still this busy season with closing the fiscal year. I can't wait until he can actually sleep in on a Saturday morning with me instead of leaving for work before dawn.
The husband and I have been talking about tackling several home projects. I just can't make up my mind what I want. We are looking at doing some tiling and bathroom remodeling. But I am being so indecisive. Both are pretty permanent and kind of expensive changes so I want to get what I LOVE but I just can't find what I love. Have you ever been there?
We are on weekend number 3 without traveling! So exciting. We don't really have plans. We might go to the movies with friends. My friend and I want to see "Dear John" and thought the boys (her husband and mine) could go see a more manly movie. Besides that we don't have plans. But next weekend one of my good friends (with her husband) is coming to visit! It will be great to hang out and send some time with them. They live about 7 or so hours away so we only see them about twice a year. But the other good news is that her husband just got offered another job so they are moving closer and will only be about 3 hours away!
My weight loss is trucking on. I lost another 2 pounds or so. I have officially grown out of some of my pants
(meaning they are way too baggy on me). But the main thing is that I feel a lot better. In the past I have struggled with back pain and headaches and both have pretty much ceased since I started working out and working towards losing a few pounds.
Have you watched the Bachelor this season? I think my favorite is Tenley. I was rooting for Ali but have changed my mind over the last two episodes. I think Tenley is the most "real:" girl and I think she is truly there for the right reasons.
Well I think I am out of random thoughts for now. Until next time....

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