On top of school my house is disorganized which makes me stress! I just can't stand dirty dishes or unfolded clothes or the laundry basket overflowing. And considering I have only been home (not including the hours I have been asleep) very little this week all the above describe the current state of my house! With my school schedule this semester we (my husband works last on the days I go to school) don't get home till 9:30pm two days of the week and the other days we go to the gym so we never get home before 7:30pm. My DVR is exploding with taped shows!
And work is a whole other story. It has just been one stressful week all around! I have had some bad headaches this week. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!
This weekend we are probably going to my in-laws. We haven't been there since Christmas and my husband wants to go rabbit hunting with his dad. I was thinking of staying behind because of all of my work I have to do, but I think I may go and just take everything there. My MIL is a great cook and I know I will get some homemade cooking out of the deal! And it will nice to just get away for a little while even though I will probably stress about school stuff the entire time!
Also the hubby and I are looking at doing some time of getaway in March (looking at a long weekend). We were thinking about New York or maybe somewhere in the Caolinas. We have been doing some research but have not made a final decision. So I ask you all...do you have any suggestions? I would really appreciate some help in this area!

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