So I have been lagging on ideas of what to blog about recently so I thought I would steal borrow an idea from Kate. Every Thursday she writes about things that she is thankful for, so today I thought I would write about a few things I am thankful for.
I am thankful for my husband. He is an amazing guy and always encourages me, makes me laugh, always there if I need someone to lean on and is my best friend.
I am thankful for my family and friends. I am glad they are apart of my life and thankful from what they brought to my life.
I am thankful that it's Thursday which means tomorrow is Friday!
I am thankful that I get to see family this weekend and spend time with my cute little cousins (ages 6,5,3).
I am thankful for the warm weather we have had this week! I smell flip flops in my near future!
I am thankful that I got a good grade on one of the tests I had last week (still haven't gotten the other one back).
I am thankful that I am half way through my last semester of grad classes.
I am thankful that I get to eat at PF Chang's tomorrow night (love that place)!
I am thankful for the yummy piece of homemade banana pie I had for dinner.
I am thankful that it has been a good work week and I have had work to keep me busy.
I am thankful that it is good TV night (Grey's and Private Practice)!

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