Speaking of my exam yesterday it was HORRIBLE! Now I am not saying it was hard. Though I may be shooting myself in the foot on that one since I haven't gotten it back and I am not sure how he going to grade. I mentioned about this class previously. So last night was the exam I was talking about. It wasn't bad since it was open book and we had the questions previously. I figured that just about anyone (even if you didn't have the class) could handle that one. But the worst part that it was all essay and had to be hand written. I literally wrote for 2 straight hours. We couldn't write anymore then 3 pages a question and I wrote 2-3 pages for each. It was just long and my hand HURT! I guess it is because I haven't done that much hand writing in awhile. But I was so glad when I was done. We had 2 and a half hours to take the exam and it took me a little over 2 and when I left over half of theclass was still there.
But on to this weekend! It should a fun one. A bunch of my friends from college are getting together tonight. We were all in sorority together and try to get together every month of so. It is always a fun time! One has a little girl around 2 and a half and 2 are currently expecting. So I am sure the fun will keep on! We can usually keep entertained on stories! We are having it at my house this time and ordering pizza. I also got some other good stuff to go with it. I am also excited because we are getting the pizza from my favorite place!
Tomorrow I hope I can get my butt up and out of bed so I can work off the pizza at boot camp. I went a few weeks ago and man did it kick my butt! I could barely move the next day. I took a friend with me and she said she couldn't walk for days. It is very cardio intensive. But I figured a little pain does the body good!
Hopefully in the next few days the weather will be nice and we can do some house projects. I have been wanting to shampoo our carpets ever sense I got a shampooer for Christmas. Hopefully I can finally do that and put the windows open a little to let the carpets dry.
But for the most part it will be a relaxing weekend with the husband. Hope you all have a good one!

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